Kurs-ID: ETH_OP21
Kurs OPT201
Cisco NCS 2000 Deploying 96-Channel Flex Spectrum

The course shows you how to plan, configure, and control optical networks using the Cisco® Network Convergence System (NCS) 2000 series Flex Spectrum platform. The course teaches you how to design Flex Spectrum networks with multi-degree Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) multi-shelf nodes using the Cisco Transport Planner (CTP) software.
Dieses Training findet in Kooperation mit ExperTeach statt.
Anfrage stellenSeminarinhalte
- DWDM and Flex Spectrum Foundation
- NCS 2000 Chassis and Cards
- Design ROADM Networks with CTP
- Hardware Installation and Multishelf
- Node Turn-Up and Circuit Creation
- Advanced Feature Networks and Circuits
- Testing, Maintenance, and Basic Troubleshooting
- Spectrum Switched Optical Network
Das Training OPT201 ist folgenden Themen zugeordnet:
This course is designed for technical professionals who need to know how to deploy a Cisco NCS 2000 Series Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (DWDM) network with Flex Spectrum.
The primary audience for this course includes:
- Designers
- Systems engineers and implementation staff
- Network operations center personnel
- Technical support personnel who are involved with the deployment, operations, and maintenance of the Cisco NCS 2000 Series
- Channel partners and resellers
To fully benefit from this course, you should first complete the Cisco Fundamentals of Fiber Optics Technology (FFOT) video training course, or have an equivalent level of knowledge and skills.
Dauer und Zeiten
3 Kurstage