Kurs-ID: IBMe_AS40G
Kurs Using Open Source tools on IBM i (AS40G)
This course is designed to teach the installation and administration of open source packages on IBM i as well as teach how to use some of the open source packages that can be downloaded. Class activities include showing how to download and manage open source packages using Access Client Solutions, and how to use python, node.js, and PHP to access data in different ways on the IBM i.Anfrage stellen
- Understand how to install and manage open source packages on IBM i
- Learn what open source packages are available on IBM i
- Comprehend how to use open source languages to interface with procedural programs and procedures on IBM i
- Comprehend how to use open source languages and SQL to access data on the IBM i
- IBM i System Administrators
- IBM i Programmers
- API/Cloud enablers
- Knowledge of one of python, node.js or PHP
- Understanding of IBM iconcepts
Das Training findet auf Deutsch statt.