Hersteller: IBM
Die International Business Machines Corporation, besser bekannt unter ihrem Kürzel IBM, ist ein US-amerikanisches Unternehmen. Die Gründung lässt sich auf das Jahr 1911 zurück datieren.
Heute ist IBM weltweit vertreten. Im Dienstleistungsbereich ist die Firma mit ihrer Unternehmensberatung in den letzten Jahren sehr erfolgreich. Letztere trägt maßgeblich zum Gesamtumsatz bei. Zudem stellt IBM Hardware sowie Software her. Mikrochips, Speicherprodukte sowie Anwendungssoftware gehören zur Produktpalette.
Dank unserem Partner esciris bietet allskills Training zahlreiche IBM-Trainings in deutscher Sprache an. Alle unsere Kurse zu IBM finden Sie unten. Wir freuen uns über Ihre Anfragen und Anmeldungen.
Seminarliste zum Hersteller IBM
Seminartitel | Kurs-ID | Beschreibung | Dauer (Tage) | Termine |
AAA, OAuth, and OIDC in IBM DataPower V7.5 (WE753G) | IBMe_WE753G | This course teaches you the developer skills that are required to configure and implement authentication and authorization support within your IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5 services. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Administering Environments with IBM Instana Observability (TN201G) | IBMe_TN201G | In this course, you learn how to perform observability and application performance monitoring functions using IBM Instana Observability. You learn the architecture of Instana and how the data flows from the sensors and tracers, through the agents, and to the big data backend. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Administering WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile V9 | TDIBM_WA190G | This course teaches you the skills that are needed to manage Liberty servers and collectives. | 2 |
Administration of IBM Cloud Pak for Data (v4.5) (6XL630G) | IBMe_6XL630G | This course guides you through the most important administration activities that are related to the Cloud Pak for Data environment. You will recall the infrastructure of a Red Hat OpenShift cluster where Cloud Pak for Data runs, and you will learn how to manage this cluster. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Administration of IBM Cloud Pak for Data (V4.x) (6XL530G) | IBMe_6XL530G | This course guides you through the most important administration activities that are related to the Cloud Pak for Data environment. You will recall the infrastructure of a Red Hat OpenShift cluster where Cloud Pak for Data runs, and you will learn how to manage this cluster. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Administration of IBM DataPower Gateway V7.6 (WE761G) | IBMe_WE761G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Administration of IBM DataPower Gateway V7.6 (ZE761G). This option does not require any travel. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Advanced Administering Environments with IBM Instana Observability (TN202G) | IBMe_TN202G | In this course, you learn more about the basic architecture of IBM Instana and how to install various kinds of host agents in different modes. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Advanced Assembler Language Coding Workshop | TDIBM_ES35G | This course provides instruction and practice in the use of the more complex S/390 Assembler Language facilities for the experienced assembler language programmer. | 4 |
Advanced Data Preparation Using IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1) (0A058G) | IBMe_0A058G | This course covers advanced topics to aid in the preparation of data for a successful data science project. You will learn how to use functions, deal with missing values, use advanced field operations, handle sequence data, apply advanced sampling methods, and improve efficiency. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Advanced Machine Learning Models Using IBM SPSS Modeler (V18.2) (0A039G) | IBMe_0A039G | This course presents advanced models available in IBM SPSS Modeler. The participant is first introduced to a technique named PCA/Factor, to reduce the number of fields to a number of core factors, referred to as components or factors. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Advanced Parallel Sysplex Operations and Recovery Workshop | TDIBM_ES90G | This course describes advanced operator actions to implement new policies, coupling facilities, structures and sysplex related operational enhancements. | 4,5 |
Advanced Predictive Modeling Using IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1) (0A038G) | IBMe_0A038G | This course presents advanced models to predict categorical and continuous targets. Before reviewing the models, data preparation issues are addressed such as partitioning, detecting anomalies, and balancing data. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Advanced Statistical Analysis Using IBM SPSS Statistics (V25) (0G09AG) | IBMe_0G09AG | This course provides an application-oriented introduction to advanced statistical methods available in IBM SPSS Statistics. Students will review a variety of advanced statistical techniques and discuss situations in which each technique would be used, the assumptions made by each method, how to set up the analysis, and how to interpret the results. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Advanced Statistical Analysis Using IBM SPSS Statistics (V26) (0G09BG) | IBMe_0G09BG | This course provides an application-oriented introduction to advanced statistical methods available in IBM SPSS Statistics. Students will review a variety of advanced statistical techniques and discuss situations in which each technique would be used, the assumptions made by each method, how to set up the analysis, and how to interpret the results. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Advanced System Operator Workshop for IBM i (AS27G) | IBMe_AS27G | This course is designed to enhance the skills of an IBM i System Operator. This course explains the concept of how LPAR works and discusses the functions provided by the HMC. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Advanced Tools for AIX Performance Analysis | TDIBM_AN52G | Develop the skills to use kernel traces, trace based utilities, and svmon to measure and analyze CPU, memory, and I/O performance issues on IBM systems running AIX. | 4 |
Advanced z/OS Security: Crypto, Network, RACF, and Your Enterprise (ES66G) | IBMe_ES66G | System z continues to extend the value of the mainframe by leveraging robust security solutions, to help meet the needs of today's on demand, service-oriented infrastructures. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
AIX Basics | TDIBM_AN10G | This course enables you to perform everyday tasks using the AIX operating system. Learn to perform everyday tasks using the AIX operating system. | 3 |
AIX Jumpstart for UNIX Professionals | TDIBM_AN14G | Provide focused training for experienced UNIX administrators on how to install, customize, and administer the AIX operating system in a multiuser IBM Power server partitioned environment. | 5 |
AIX Network Installation Management Concepts and Configuration | TDIBM_AN22G | The primary goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of the fundamental capabilities of the Network Installation Management (NIM) facility of the AIX 7.1 operating system. | 2 |
Assembler Language Coding Workshop | TDIBM_ES34G | This classroom hands-on lab course provides an introduction to the mainframe Assembler language. The course is designed to develop the skills appropriate to write and/or maintain programs and routines written in S/370 or S/390 Assembler Language. | 5 |
Automating Tasks with IBM Robotic Process Automation 20.12.5 (WB504G) | IBMe_WB504G | This course introduces developers to IBM Robotic Process Automation 20.12.5. You learn the skills that are needed to implement task automation by developing bots. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Basic z/OS Tuning Using the Workload Manager | TDIBM_ES54G | Do you need to know how to establish a practical performance management program for your z/OS system? This course is designed for new performance analysts to learn to work with the Workload Manager (WLM) in goal mode. | 4,5 |
Basics of z/OS RACF Administration (ES19G) | IBMe_ES19G | This course begins with an introduction to the z/OS environment, TSO and ISPF/PDF, batch processing, and z/OS data sets. Hands-on labs allow you to gain experience with viewing and allocating data sets, submitting a batch job, and viewing job output. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
BRMS for IBM i, including Cloud Storage Solutions for i (AS28G) | IBMe_AS28G | This course covers the features and functions supported by Backup Recovery and Media Services (BRMS). BRMS is an integrated and comprehensive tool for managing backup, recovery, archive, and retrieval operations for a single Power system with IBM i or multiple systems with IBM i at a site or across a BRMS Network. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Build an IBM Case Manager Solution (V5.3.2) (F2910G) | IBMe_F2910G | In this course you will create basic case management solutions with IBM Case Manager Builder and Process Designer. Using an iterative solution development process, you will create, deploy, test, and revise your solutions, adding complexity and functionality to your solutions as you gain skills. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Clustering and Association Modeling Using IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1) (0A048G) | IBMe_0A048G | Clustering and Association Modeling Using IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1) introduces modelers to two specific classes of modeling that are available in IBM SPSS Modeler: clustering and associations. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Configuring Item and Pricing in IBM Sterling Order Management (6F128G) | IBMe_6F128G | This course teaches how to perform item, pricing, and other related configurations using the IBM® Sterling Business Center application. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Control Language Programming Workshop for IBM i (OL20G) | IBMe_OL20G | Learn to write easy to use and efficient control language (CL) programs which may be used to perform a variety of system and application control functions. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Create, Secure, and Publish APIs with IBM API Connect 10 (WD515G) | IBMe_WD515G | This course teaches you how to configure a newly built API Connect 10 environment. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Creating, Testing, and Deploying Machine Learning Models with IBM Watson Studio (W7L149G) | IBMe_W7L149G | This course takes the data scientist (or business analyst) on a journey from the creation of several machine learning models to its deployment and testing. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Customize the IBM Case Manager Client User Interface (V5.3.2) (F2940G) | IBMe_F2940G | In this course, you will customize IBM Case Manager Client without using much code. In an IBM Case Manager system, you will create pages with custom layout and implement new actions by configuring buttons and menu items. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Data science without a Ph.D. Using IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1) (0A018G) | IBMe_0A018G | This course focuses on reviewing concepts of data science, where participants will learn the stages of a data science project. Topics include using automated tools to prepare data for analysis, build models, evaluate models, and deploy models. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
DB2 10 for z/OS Database Administration Part 2 (CV842G) | IBMe_CV842G | This course is a continuation of course DB2 10 for z/OS Database Administration Workshop Part 1 (CV831) and is designed to teach you how to perform additional database administration tasks. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
DB2 10 for zOS System Administration (CV851G) | IBMe_CV851G | The course is updated for DB2 10 for z/OS. This course is the classroom delivered version of the Instructor led Online course DB2 10 for z/OS System Administration - ILO (3V851). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
DB2 11 BLU Acceleration Implementation and Use (CL451G) | IBMe_CL451G | The course is intended for Data Administrators that need to prepare for using the DB2 BLU Acceleration facilities of DB2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX and Windows systems.The concepts and facilities of the BLU Acceleration feature of DB2 11 are presented including loading data into column-organized tables and monitoring the processing of SQL statements that access the tables.The DB2 10.5 Fix Pack 4, referred to as Cancun, added support for Shadow tables, a new type of Materialized Query Table, and also Column-organized User Maintained MQT tables. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
DB2 11 for z/OS Application Programming Workshop | TDIBM_CV722G | This course enables you to acquire the skills necessary to produce application programs that manipulate DB2 databases. | 3 |
Db2 11.1 Administration Workshop for Linux (CL207G) | IBMe_CL207G | This course teaches database administrators to perform basic database administrative tasks using Db2 11.1. These tasks include creating database objects like tables, indexes and views, and loading data into the database with Db2 utilities like LOAD and INGEST. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Db2 11.1 Advanced Database Administration (CL464G) | IBMe_CL464G | This course is designed to teach you how to:• Perform advanced monitoring using the Db2 administrative views and routines in SQL queries.• Manage the disk space assigned in Database Managed Storage (DMS) and Automatic Storage table spaces, including the activities of the rebalancer.• Use SQL queries and Db2 commands to check the high water mark on table spaces and to monitor the rebalance operation.• Utilize the REBUILD option of RESTORE, which can build a database copy with a subset o ... | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Db2 11.1 Quickstart for Experienced Relational DBAs (CL487G) | IBMe_CL487G | This course teaches you to perform, basic and advanced, database administrative tasks using Db2 11.1. These tasks include creating and populating databases and implementing a logical design to support recovery requirements. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Db2 11.5 Quickstart for Relational DBAs (CL489G) | IBMe_CL489G | This course teaches you to perform, basic and advanced, database administrative tasks using Db2 11.5. These tasks include creating and populating databases and implementing a logical design to support recovery requirements. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Db2 12 for z/OS Basic Database Administration (CV844G) | IBMe_CV844G | This course will expose the beginning z/OS DBAs (Database Administrators) to fundamentals of Database Administration for a Db2 12 for z/OS. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Db2 12 for z/OS Introduction to System Administration (CV853G) | IBMe_CV853G | This course provides students with an introduction to the skills and knowledge needed to administer a Db2 12 for z/OS system. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Db2 12 for z/OS SQL Performance and Tuning (CV964G) | IBMe_CV964G | This course is designed to teach the students how to prevent SQL performance problems and how to improve the performance of existing SQL. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Db2 12 for zOS Advanced Database Administration (CV880G) | IBMe_CV880G | This course will introduce the student to advanced database administration skills, including program preparation and the use of packages, online schema changes, partition management, and stored procedures; as well as performance and availability features of utilities (including LOAD, REBUILD INDEX, REORG, and UNLOAD). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Db2 12 for zOS: Basics for DBA Beginners | TDIBM_CV042G | Db2 12 for z/OS DBAs can develop fundamental skills or recognition through lectures and hands-on exercises of: | 5 |
Db2 for z/OS 13: Introduction to System Administration | TDIBM_CV854G | This course introduces the skills and knowledge required to administer a Db2 13 for z/OS system. | 3 |
DB2 SQL Workshop (CE121G) | IBMe_CE121G | This course provides an introduction to the SQL language. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
DB2 SQL Workshop for Experienced Users (CE131G) | IBMe_CE131G | This course teaches you how to make use of advanced SQL techniques to access DB2 databases in different environments. This course is appropriate for customers working in all DB2 environments, specifically for z/OS, Linux, UNIX, and Windows. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Designing, Implementing, and Managing IBM MQ V9 Clusters | TDIBM_WM253G | This course prepares you to plan, design, configure, and administer IBM MQ clusters. | 2,5 |
Developing Applications for IBM MQ V9.2 with JMS (WM514G) | IBMe_WM514G | This course is intended to teach the skills that are needed to create a JMS 2.0 application to interface with IBM MQ queue managers. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Developing Applications in IBM Datacap V9.1.7 (WF318G) | IBMe_WF318G | This course provides technical professionals with the skills that are needed to build Datacap applications. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Developing Case Management Solutions using IBM Business Automation Workflow V20.0.0.2 (WB836G) | IBMe_WB836G | This course provides technical professionals with the needed skills to develop Case Management solutions in IBM Business Automation Workflow. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Developing Rule Solutions in IBM Operational Decision Manager V8.10.5 (WB404G) | IBMe_WB404G | This course introduces developers to IBM Operational Decision Manager V8.10.5. It teaches you how to design, develop, and integrate a business rule solution with Operational Decision Manager. ... | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Developing Software with IBM Engineering Workflow Management (ODC8140G) | IBMe_ODC8140G | Developing Software with IBM Engineering Workflow Management is a one day, instructor-led course designed as an introduction to IBM Engineering Workflow Management for software developers. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Developing Solutions with IBM Decision Server Insights V8.10 (WB403G) | IBMe_WB403G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Developing Solutions with IBM Decision Server Insights V8.10 (ZB403G). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Developing with Integration Designer in IBM Business Process Manager V8.6 - I (WB872G) | IBMe_WB872G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Developing with Integration Designer in IBM Business Process Manager V8.6 - I (ZB872G). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Developing Workflow Solutions using IBM Business Automation Workflow V20.0.0.1 (WB835G) | IBMe_WB835G | This course integrates training in business process management (BPM) methods and implementation with IBM Business Automation Workflow V20. You learn core process modeling and implementation skills, the project development approach, process model implementation fundamentals, and delivery patterns. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Development and Administration of Applications with IBM Business Monitor V8.5.7 (WB896G) | IBMe_WB896G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Development and Administration of Applications with IBM Business Monitor V8.5.7 (ZB896G). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
DevOps with Private Cloud on IBM Power Systems: Learn Ansible, Chef, and Puppet (QZC50G) | IBMe_QZC50G | DevOps is an IT trend that rose out of the benefits of integrating development and operations. The main characteristic of DevOps is to use automation and monitoring at several stages of the IT delivery lifecycle. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
DFSMS Implementation (SS84G) | IBMe_SS84G | This course provides the skills required to plan and implement Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS). A step-by-step implementation strategy, emphasizing coexistence considerations, is reinforced by hands-on labs. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
DFSMShsm Implementation (SS86G) | IBMe_SS86G | This course prepares you to implement and manage DFSMShsm (DFSMS hierarchical storage manager). You will learn how to automate the storage management tasks, which optimize DASD space utilization and provide data availability. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Effective RACF Administration | TDIBM_BE87G | This course prepares you to be a more effective security administrator as you gain experience and confidence in using the RACF component of the z/OS Security Server. | 4,5 |
Enterprise catalog management and data protection with Watson Knowledge Catalog on IBM Cloud Pak for Data 4.0.x (6XL534G) | IBMe_6XL534G | This course provides Solution Architects an introduction to the basics of Watson Knowledge Catalog for IBM Cloud Pak for Data. You will learn to access the Watson Knowledge Catalog through the service, and gain skills in creating catalogs, populating them with assets, and then managing the assets in the catalog through a governance framework. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Essentials for IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next (ODC8105G) | IBMe_ODC8105G | This course teaches analysts and engineers how to define, elaborate, organize, and manage textual and graphical requirements and requirements-related information in IBM DOORS Next v7. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Essentials of Service Development for IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5 (WE751G) | IBMe_WE751G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Essentials of Service Development for IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5 (ZE751G). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Extending the IBM Sterling Order Management Application (6F127G) | IBMe_6F127G | This course begins with an overview of the technical architecture of the Sterling Order Management system, including installation and deployment. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Fundamental System Skills in z/OS | TDIBM_ES10G | This course is designed to teach you the fundamental practical skills to navigate and work in a z/OS environment. | 5 |
Fundamentals of IBM App Connect Enterprise Application Development (WM669G) | IBMe_WM669G | This course introduces solution architects to IBM App Connect Enterprise. You learn how to use IBM App Connect Enterprise to develop, deploy, and support message flow applications. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Fundamentals of IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server (WT020G) | IBMe_WT020G | This course introduces solution architects to the IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Fundamentals of IBM Business Automation Workflow: Developing Case Management Solutions (WB838G) | IBMe_WB838G | This course introduces solution architects to the case management solutions in IBM Business Automation Workflow. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Fundamentals of IBM Business Automation Workflow: Developing Workflow Solutions (WB837G) | IBMe_WB837G | This course introduces solution architects to the workflow capabilities in IBM Business Automation Workflow. In this course you learn how to model processes and decompose activities into nested processes. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Fundamentals of IBM DataPower Gateway (WE755G) | IBMe_WE755G | This course introduces solution architects to IBM DataPower Gateway 7.5. The course teaches you the essential skills that are required to configure, implement, and troubleshoot services that are developed on the IBM DataPower Gateways (IDG) with firmware version 7.5, regardless of use case. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Fundamentals of IBM MQ | TDIBM_WM157G | This course begins with a review of IBM MQ features and components. Installation options and methods are discussed. You learn the role of the administrator and the tools provided to perform administrative techniques. | 1 |
Fundamentals of IBM Operational Decision Manager (WB409G) | IBMe_WB409G | This course introduces solution architects to IBM Operational Decision Manager 8.10.5. Through presentations and hands-on labs, you learn about the core features of the ODM environments for developers and business users. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Fundamentals of IBM Process Mining (WB846G) | IBMe_WB846G | This course introduces you to IBM Process Mining and how to use it to perform process and data analysis. You learn the differences between process mining and task mining, the different types of process mining, use cases, and how process mining is performed. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Fundamentals of IBM Robotic Process Automation (WB505G) | IBMe_WB505G | This course introduces solution architects to IBM Robotic Process Automation 20.12.5. You learn the skills that are needed to implement task automation by developing bots. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Fundamentals of IBM Watson Explorer Deep Analytics Edition oneWEX (V12.0.x) (O3201G) | IBMe_O3201G | This course is designed to teach students core concepts of IBM Watson Explorer Deep Analytics Edition oneWEX. Students will learn to identify the oneWEX platforms as well as the process flow and data flow of oneWEX projects. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Hardware Configuration and Definition (HCD) for z/OS | TDIBM_ES96G | Learn to work with the Hardware Configuration Definition (HCD) function for z/OS, and to plan and initiate dynamic reconfiguration of your zSeries hardware environment. | 4 |
IBM Agent Builder 6.3.4 (TV384G) | IBMe_TV384G | This course teaches you how to use the IBM Agent Builder software to create, modify, debug, and package agents for use with IBM Performance Management and IBM Tivoli Monitoring products. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM App Connect Enterprise 12 Application Development I | TDIBM_WM686G | In this course, you learn how to construct message flow applications to transport and transform data. You learn how to process file data and develop REST APIs. | 2 |
IBM App Connect Enterprise 12 Application Development II | TDIBM_WM687G | This course provides instruction in using IBM App Connect Enterprise to connect to IBM MQ and reference databases. The first part of this course covers traditional use cases for IBM App Connect Enterprise including using App Connect Enterprise in conjunction with JMS, web services, and IBM MQ. | 2 |
IBM App Connect Enterprise 12 Application Development III | TDIBM_WM688G | This course teaches you how to use IBM App Connect Enterprise to apply advanced topics such as basic security authentication on deployed integrations, message flow monitoring to help in problem determination, and creating user-defined properties in a message flow. | 2 |
IBM App Connect Enterprise V11 Application Development (WM668G) | IBMe_WM668G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course IBM App Connect Enterprise V11 Application Development (ZM668G). This option does not require any travel. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Aspera Console Administration (WT012G) | IBMe_WT012G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course IBM Aspera Console Administration (ZT012G). This option does not require any travel. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server Administration (WT011G) | IBMe_WT011G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server Administration (ZT011G). This option does not require any travel. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM BigIntegrate for Data Engineers v11.5.0.2 (KM700G) | IBMe_KM700G | Teaches data engineers how to run DataStage jobs in a Hadoop environment. You will run jobs in traditional and YARN mode, access HDFS files and Hive tables using different file formats and connector stages. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1 - Administration (F247G) | IBMe_F247G | This course is for anyone who is responsible for day-to-day operations of a production IBM Case Foundation workflow application. You work with an IBM Case Foundation system to practice and complete workflow system administration tasks. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Case Foundation 5.2.1: Workflow Design (F245G) | IBMe_F245G | This course provides training in using Process Designer to create workflow definitions that can be used either in CaseFoundation or Case Manager applications. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Case Manager 5.2 - Customize and Extend the Features (F217G) | IBMe_F217G | This course explores different options for customizing and extending the features of IBM Case Manager including developing widgets. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Case Manager Essentials (V5.3.2) (F2900G) | IBMe_F2900G | This course is an introduction to IBM Case Manager, concepts, functions, and architecture. Participants use an IBM Case Manager system to practice the skills that are required by case workers to process cases and create runtime tasks. ... | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Case Manager: Configure Security (v5.3.2) (F2920G) | IBMe_F2920G | In this course you will configure security for IBM Case Manager environments and solutions. You will work with project areas, control access to cases, and create security configurations. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Case Manager: Solution Deployment from Design to Production (V5.3.2) (F2930G) | IBMe_F2930G | This course is designed to show you how to migrate and deploy Case Manager solutions from development to preproduction and production. Participants use a system with two instances of IBM Case Manager to practice the skills that are required by solution builders and administrators to migrate and deploy solutions from one environment to another. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cloud Application Performance Management 8.1.4 Fundamentals (TM674G) | IBMe_TM674G | This course teaches new and experienced operators, administrators, and implementers of Application Performance Management v8.1.4 how to effectively use the tools to manage their enterprise monitoring needs. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cloud Associate Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) Certification Prep Course (CNSREASG) | IBMe_CNSREASG | Earn your IBM Cloud Associate SRE v1 certification in 45 days or less! | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation - Installation and Administration (WB600G) | IBMe_WB600G | This course provides technical professionals with the needed skills to install IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation capabilities. It also teaches the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation administration and troubleshooting tasks. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cloud Pak for Data (V4.x) Foundations (6XL536G) | IBMe_6XL536G | This learning offering tells a holistic story of Cloud Pak for Data and how you can extend the functions with services and integrations. You will explore some of the services and see how they enable effective collaboration across an organization. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Administration (TN404G) | IBMe_TN404G | IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps deploys advanced, explainable AI across the IT Operations (ITOps) toolchain so that you can confidently assess, diagnose, and resolve incidents across mission-critical workloads. ... | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Installation (TN403G) | IBMe_TN403G | IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps deploys advanced, explainable AI across the IT Operations (ITOps) toolchain so that you can confidently assess, diagnose, and resolve incidents across mission-critical workloads. ... | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cognos Analytics - Author Active Reports (v11.0) (B6098G) | IBMe_B6098G | This course provides participants with an understanding of Active Report content and functionality within IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cognos Analytics - Author Reports with Multidimensional Data (V11.0) (B6061G) | IBMe_B6061G | This course is designed to guide report authors in building on their expertise with IBM Cognos Analytics by applying dimensional techniques to reports. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cognos Analytics: Architecture and Logging (v11.0) (B6019G) | IBMe_B6019G | This course is designed to teach participants how to identify components and sub-components of the IBM Cognos Analytics architecture and how to use tools and techniques to provide a foundation to troubleshoot issues. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cognos Analytics: Author Reports Advanced (V11.1.x) (B6259G) | IBMe_B6259G | This course teaches experienced authors advanced report building techniques to enhance, customize, manage, and distribute reports. Additionally, the student will learn how to create highly interactive and engaging reports that can be run offline by creating Active Reports. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cognos Analytics: Author Reports Fundamentals (V11.1.x) (B6258G) | IBMe_B6258G | This course provides authors with an introduction to build reports using Cognos Analytics. Techniques to enhance, customize, and manage reports will be explored. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cognos Analytics: Enterprise Administration (V11.1.x) (B6255G) | IBMe_B6255G | This offering covers the fundamental concepts of installing and configuring IBM Cognos Analytics, and administering servers and content, in a distributed environment. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cognos Controller: Author Reports (v10.2/v10.3) (P8222G) | IBMe_P8222G | This course teaches authors, with basic knowledge of group accounting and Microsoft Excel, how to design and generate financial reports using IBM Cognos Controller. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cognos Controller: Develop Applications (v10.2/v10.3) (P8221G) | IBMe_P8221G | This course teaches application developers how to set up a Controller application and effectively use Controller in their organization’s consolidation process. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cognos Cube Designer - Design Dynamic Cubes (v11.0) (B6063G) | IBMe_B6063G | This course provides participants with introductory to advanced knowledge of how to model metadata for predictable reporting and analysis results using IBM Cognos Cube Designer. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Cognos Framework Manager: Design Metadata Models (v11.1.x) (B6252G) | IBMe_B6252G | This offering provides participants with introductory to advanced knowledge of metadata modeling concepts, and how to model metadata for predictable reporting and analysis results using IBM Cognos Framework Manager. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Content Navigator Administration V3.0.6 (WF270G) | IBMe_WF270G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course IBM Content Navigator Administration V3.0.6 (ZF270G). This option does not require any travel. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Control Desk 7.6 Foundations (TP351G) | IBMe_TP351G | This course introduces you to the fundamental concepts of managing IT assets, service requests, and changes in your IT environment using IBM Control Desk. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Control Desk 7.6 Service Request Management Fundamentals (TP362G) | IBMe_TP362G | This course introduces you to the fundamental concepts of managing a Service Desk using IBM Control Desk. Through instructor-led discussion, demonstrations and hands-on labs, you learn how to create and resolve service requests, incidents and problems. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Control Desk Fundamentals (TP352G) | IBMe_TP352G | This course introduces you to the fundamental concepts of managing IT assets, service requests, and changes in your IT environment using IBM Control Desk. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Datacap 9.0.1: Configuration and Administration (WF262G) | IBMe_WF262G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course IBM Datacap 9.0.1: Configuration and Administration (ZF262G). This option does not require any travel. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Db2 LUW Family Fundamentals | TDIBM_CE032G | This course provides you with information about the functions of IBM's Db2, a relational database manager which may be installed under a variety of operating systems on many hardware platforms. | 2 |
IBM Directory Server 6.4 Fundamentals (TW085G) | IBMe_TW085G | This course describes the processes, procedures, and practices necessary to configure and administer IBM Directory Server. During the hand-on exercises, students will perform basic Directory Server configuration, setup replication, use logs and problem determination tools to troubleshoot directory server. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM DS8000 Implementation Workshop for Open Systems (SSF0G) | IBMe_SSF0G | This course is designed to help you understand, install, and monitor the DS8000 for the Open Systems environment. The exercises enable you to perform a step-by-step implementation. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM DS8000 Implementation Workshop for z Systems (SSF1G) | IBMe_SSF1G | To learn the DS8000 storage subsystem and its hardware components and logical structure. You configure the DS8000 storage subsystem using a DS8000 Storage Manager GUI and review the DS CLI interface for scripting configuration functions. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS V9.6 - DXL (QN301G) | IBMe_QN301G | This course teaches experienced IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS users the basic principles of writing and applying DXL extension language to customize DOORS. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS V9.6 - Foundation (QN101G) | IBMe_QN101G | This course is for new IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS (DOORS) users. It introduces basic DOORS concepts and functionality. It includes hands-on exercises that teach users to create, edit, manipulate, and analyze requirements data in DOORS. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS V9.6 - Practitioner (QN201G) | IBMe_QN201G | This course builds on the content learned in the “IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS V9.6 - Foundation” course. It is designed for those who will be in the role of team lead or project manager, or who want to learn more about advanced DOORS end-user functionality. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Engineering Workflow Management Administration for Process Administrator (ODC8165G) | IBMe_ODC8165G | This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge needed to configure Engineering Workflow Management project areas and process templates so that change and release management can be effectively adopted by the project team. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Engineering Workflow Management for Agile (ODC8150G) | IBMe_ODC8150G | The Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) for Agile course is designed to provide students with the knowledge to configure EWM project areas so that the core IBM practices for agile development and change and release management can be effectively adopted by the project team. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Engineering Workflow Management for Configuration Managers (ODC8155G) | IBMe_ODC8155G | The Engineering Workflow Management Administration for Configuration Managers course is designed to provide students with the knowledge to configure Engineering Workflow Management version control and build areas so that change and release management can be effectively adopted by the project team. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Enterprise Records 5.1 - Automate Declaration (F182G) | IBMe_F182G | Your company wants to automate records declaration for your IBM Enterprise Records system. In this course, you learn to configure automatic record declaration using two different methods: event subscriptions and workflow. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Enterprise Records 5.1 - Core Skills (F178G) | IBMe_F178G | This course is for those who either administer IBM Enterprise Records or use it to maintain the retention, disposition, and security of records. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Enterprise Records 5.1 - File Plan Design (F181G) | IBMe_F181G | This course is for those whose job includes responsibility for designing the file plan for an IBM Enterprise Records system and making decisions regarding record retention, disposition, and security. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Enterprise Records 5.1 - Records Management (F174G) | IBMe_F174G | This course is for those whose job includes responsibility for designing the file plan for an IBM Enterprise Records system and making decisions regarding record retention, disposition, and security. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Enterprise Records 5.1 - System Administration (F175G) | IBMe_F175G | This course is for those who administer and maintain an IBM Enterprise Records system. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Enterprise Records 5.1 - System Configuration (F179G) | IBMe_F179G | This course is for anyone who is planning to configure an IBM Enterprise Records system for use by records managers and users. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Enterprise Records 5.1 - System Maintenance (F180G) | IBMe_F180G | This course is for the administrator who maintains an IBM Enterprise Records system. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM FileNet P8 Platform Administration (V5.5.x) (F2810G) | IBMe_F2810G | This course teaches you the configuration and administration of an IBM FileNet P8 Platform 5.5.x system. It introduces you to the key concepts of IBM FileNet P8 Platform architecture and organizing the content across the enterprise. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM FileNet P8 Platform Essentials (V5.5.x) (F2800G) | IBMe_F2800G | This course introduces you to the key concepts of IBM FileNet P8 Platform such as architecture, P8 domain structures, organizing the content across the enterprise, and security. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM FlashSystem Fundamentals (SSFS1G) | IBMe_SSFS1G | Enterprise data is growing exponentially. This data explosion is making commonly accepted practices of data management inadequate. Social, mobile, cloud, big data, and analytics are driving an explosion in data volumes and causing new challenges for data protection, disaster recovery, regulatory requirements, and standards for compliance. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM i Performance Tuning - I: IBM i Structure, Tailoring and Basic Tuning (OL23G) | IBMe_OL23G | This classroom course of two days explains how to balance the workload on the IBM i system to ensure optimum performance. Specifically, this course explains how to manage workloads, measure system performance, and tune the operating system to meet processing requirements. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM i Performance Tuning - II: Advanced Analysis and Capacity Tuning (OL66G) | IBMe_OL66G | This course will help you to better understand the techniques of performance analysis and capacity planning on systems and partitions running IBM i and develop an appreciation of how IBM i operates and interfaces with applications. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM i System Administration (OL19G) | IBMe_OL19G | Learn how to plan for, implement, and manage the ongoing operations of an IBM i. Emphasis is on security, system availability, backup and recovery, system software management, and problem determination. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM InfoSphere Advanced DataStage - Parallel Framework v11.5 (KM404G) | IBMe_KM404G | This course is designed to introduce advanced parallel job development techniques in DataStage v11.5. In this course you will develop a deeper understanding of the DataStage architecture, including a deeper understanding of the DataStage development and runtime environments. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM InfoSphere Advanced QualityStage V11.5 (KM413G) | IBMe_KM413G | This course will step you through the QualityStage data cleansing process. You will transform an unstructured data source into a format suitable for loading into an existing data target. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM InfoSphere Data Replication - InfoSphere Change Data Capture Essentials (KM020G) | IBMe_KM020G | This course will teach about the InfoSphere Change Data Capture (CDC) component of the IBM InfoSphere Data Replication family of solutions. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM InfoSphere DataStage engine Administration for Information Server v11.5 (KM520G) | IBMe_KM520G | This course teaches Information Server and/or DataStage administrators to configure, manage, and monitor the DataStage Engine which plays a crucial role in Information Server. It not only runs high performance parallel ETL jobs designed and built in DataStage. It also supports other Information Server products including Information Analyzer, QualityStage, and Data Click. After introducing DataStage parallel jobs and the Engine that runs them, the course describes DataStage project config ... | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM InfoSphere DataStage Essentials (v11.5) (KM204G) | IBMe_KM204G | This course enables the project administrators and ETL developers to acquire the skills necessary to develop parallel jobs in DataStage. The emphasis is on developers. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM InfoSphere DataStage Essentials v11.7 | TDIBM_KM304G | This course enables the project administrators and ETL developers to acquire the skills necessary to develop parallel jobs in DataStage v11.7. | 4 |
IBM InfoSphere Information Server Administrative Tasks V11.5 (KM510G) | IBMe_KM510G | This course gets those charged with administering Information Server v11.5 and its suite of many products and components started with the basic administrative tasks necessary to support Information Server users and developers. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Integration Bus V10 Application Development I (WM666G) | IBMe_WM666G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course IBM Integration Bus V10 Application Development I (ZM666G). This option does not require any travel. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Integration Bus V10 Application Development II (WM676G) | IBMe_WM676G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course IBM Integration Bus V10 Application Development II (ZM676G). This option does not require any travel. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Integration Bus V10 System Administration (WM646G) | IBMe_WM646G | This course gives administrators training on IBM Integration Bus system administration. It is also relevant for IBM Integration Bus developers who also work in an administrative capacity. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Maximo Asset Management 7.6 Implementation Bootcamp (MAX7600G) | IBMe_MAX7600G | This 9-day hands-on technical boot camp provides students with the ability to make informed decisions for the design, planning, and execution of a Maximo Implementation. ... | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Monitoring 8.1.3 Implementation and Administration (TM673G) | IBMe_TM673G | This course teaches you how to install and use the IBM Monitoring v8.1.3 software to manage your environment. You install and configure the product, install various agents, create applications, manage users, detect problems and integrate with NetCool/OMNIbus, IBM Tivoli Monitoring, and Dashboard Application Services Hub. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM MQ V8 Advanced System Administration for z/OS (WM312G) | IBMe_WM312G | This course focuses on advanced IBM MQ for z/OS skills. After a baseline of IBM MQ topics, the course continues with channel security, the need to use TLS ciphers in response to current security threats, and channel authorization rules. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM MQ V8 Application Development (Linux Labs) (WM508G) | IBMe_WM508G | This course focuses on procedural application development for IBM MQ. It covers basic concepts applicable to most IBM MQ versions, new IBM MQ V8 capabilities, and V8.0.0.4 capabilities such as capped message expiry, redistributable clients, and URL support for client channel definition tables. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM MQ V8 System Administration for z/OS (WM302G) | IBMe_WM302G | This course provides the skills that are necessary to configure and manage an IBM MQ V8 queue manager on z/OS. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM MQ V9 Advanced System Administration (Distributed) | TDIBM_WM213G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course IBM MQ V9 Advanced System Administration (Distributed) (ZM213G). This option does not require any travel. | 4 |
IBM MQ V9 Application Development (Windows Labs) (WM513G) | IBMe_WM513G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course IBM MQ V9 Application Development (Windows Labs) (ZM513G). This option does not require any travel. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM MQ V9 System Administration (using Linux for labs) | TDIBM_WM154G | This course provides technical professionals with the skills that are needed to administer IBM MQ queue managers on distributed operating systems and in the Cloud. | 4 |
IBM MQ V9 System Administration (using Windows for labs) | TDIBM_WM153G | This course provides technical professionals with the skills that are needed to administer IBM MQ queue managers on distributed operating systems and in the Cloud. | 4 |
IBM MQ V9.1 System Administration (using Windows for labs) | TDIBM_WM156G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course IBM MQ V9.1 System Administration (ZM156G). This option does not require any travel. | 5 |
IBM Netcool OMNIbus 8.1 Administration and Maintenance | TDIBM_TN035G | This course is designed for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus 8.1 advanced users and administrators. It includes hands-on lab exercises that are based on a distributed deployment of Netcool/OMNIbus. | 4 |
IBM Netcool Operations Insight 1.6 - Implementation and Configuration (TN522G) | IBMe_TN522G | In this course, you install and configure Netcool Operations Insight v1.6 base and Networks for Operations Insight. Features that you configure include event search, event analytics, and topology search. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Network Performance Insight 1.3.1 Installation and Configuration (TN530G) | IBMe_TN530G | IBM Network Performance Insight is a network performance monitoring system. It offers real-time and historical trends in network performance and interactive views of network data that help reduce network downtime and optimize network performance. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Operations Analytics Predictive Insights 1.3.3 Implementation and Configuration (TN612G) | IBMe_TN612G | This class provides an overview of the Predictive Insights product. It introduces analytics and how you use them to create automated thresholds. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Planning Analytics: Analyze Data and Create Reports (V2.0.x) (P8357G) | IBMe_P8357G | This course is designed to teach analysts how to use IBM Planning Analytics to analyze data to discover trends and exceptions, create and customize reports and templates, and contribute data to plans. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Planning Analytics: Design and Develop Models in Planning Analytics Workspace (V2.0.x) (P8362G) | IBMe_P8362G | This course is designed to teach modelers how to build a complete model in IBM Planning Analytics using Planning Analytics Workspace. Through a series of lectures and hands-on exercises, students will learn how to set up dimensions and cubes, manually enter data into these structures, and define the data that users can see. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM PowerVC Workshop | TDIBM_QZC30G | This course will get you the skills you need to efficiently manage an IBM Power private cloud environment. Organizations of all kinds use IBM Power servers to run their mission critical applications. | 4 |
IBM PowerVM II: Advanced Management and Performance | TDIBM_AN31G | Students in this course will learn how to implement advanced IBM PowerVM features, such as Active Memory Expansion, shared dedicated processors and multiple shared processor pools. | 4,5 |
IBM PowerVM: Implementing Virtualization | TDIBM_AN30G | As IBM Power continues to evolve, it is essential for IT professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest innovations. Our IBM PowerVM course is specifically designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of processor virtualization concepts, Virtual I/O Server configurations, and virtual devices such as virtual Ethernet, virtual SCSI, and virtual Fibre Channel adapters. | 5 |
IBM QRadar SIEM Advanced Topics | TDIBM_BQ205G | QRadar SIEM provides deep visibility into network, user, and application activity. It provides collection, normalization, correlation, and secure storage of events, flows, assets, and vulnerabilities. | 2 |
IBM QRadar SIEM Advanced Topics (BQ204G) | IBMe_BQ204G | QRadar SIEM provides deep visibility into network, user, and application activity. It provides collection, normalization, correlation, and secure storage of events, flows, assets, and vulnerabilities. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM QRadar SIEM Foundations | TDIBM_BQ105G | IBM Security QRadar enables deep visibility into network, endpoint, user, and application activity. It provides collection, normalization, correlation, and secure storage of events, flows, assets, and vulnerabilities. | 3 |
IBM QRadar SIEM Foundations (BQ104G) | IBMe_BQ104G | IBM Security QRadar enables deep visibility into network, endpoint, user, and application activity. It provides collection, normalization, correlation, and secure storage of events, flows, assets, and vulnerabilities. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Rational DOORS Next Generation Start-Up | TDIBM_TD-RDNG | Diese Schulung ist an Personen gerichtet, die mit Dokumenten-zentrischem Anforderungsmanagement zunehmend an Grenzen stoßen und zu Repository-zentrischem Anforderungsmanagement umsteigen möchten. | 2 |
IBM Rational DOORS Start-Up Training | TDIBM_TD-DOORSSU | Diese Schulung ist an Personen gerichtet, die mit Dokumenten-zentrischem Anforderungsmanagement zunehmend an Grenzen stoßen und zu Repository-zentrischem Anforderungsmanagement umsteigen möchten. | 2 |
IBM Safer Payments Hands-On Modeling Training (V6.3) (6A330G) | IBMe_6A330G | IBM Safer Payments is an innovative real-time payment fraud prevention and detection solution for all cashless payment types. IBM Safer Payments provides not only model capabilities based on inbuilt tools, but also the option to import externally built fraud models for real-time decisioning. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Safer Payments Hands-On SysOps Training (V6.3) (6A322G) | IBMe_6A322G | IBM Safer Payments is an innovative real-time payment fraud prevention and detection solution for all cashless payment types. In this course, System Administrator that will be involved in any aspect of deploying, customizing, and implementing the Safer Payment solution will get a hands-on overview of the product. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Safer Payments Hands-On Technical Primer Training (V6.3) (6A302G) | IBMe_6A302G | IBM Safer Payments is an innovative real-time payment fraud prevention and detection solution for all cashless payment types. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Security Guardium Data Protection Foundations (8G102G) | IBMe_8G102G | IBM Security® Guardium® Data Protection (Guardium) supports a zero trust approach to security. It discovers and classifies sensitive data from across an enterprise, providing real time data activity monitoring and advanced user behavior analytics to help discover unusual activity around sensitive data. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Security Verify Access Foundations (TW108G) | IBMe_TW108G | IBM Security Verify Access* helps you simplify your users' access while more securely adopting web, mobile, IoT, and cloud technologies. It can be deployed on premises, in a virtual or hardware appliance, or containerized with Docker. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM SmartCloud Control Desk 7.5 Configuration, Change and Release Management (TP370G) | IBMe_TP370G | This course introduces the functions in IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5 that support the ITIL-based processes for Configuration, Change, and Release Management. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM SmartCloud Control Desk 7.5 IT Asset Management Fundamentals (TP380G) | IBMe_TP380G | This course introduces the fundamental concepts of managing the lifecycle of IT assets using IBM SmartCloud Control Desk. Managing the lifecycle of your IT assets helps you control costs and optimize IT asset utilization. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Spectrum LSF Basic Configuration and Administration for Linux (H010G) | IBMe_H010G | This course teaches IBM Spectrum LSF 10.1 version. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Spectrum Protect - Update 8.x | TDIBM_TD-ISPUPD | *Editor's note: Since version 8.1.19 the product is called "IBM Storage Protect" but is identical to IBM Spectrum Protect. For the course offered here, a version is used that officially still runs under the name IBM Spectrum Protect. | 3 |
IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.7 for Virtual Environment Workshop - Theory and Exercises | TDIBM_TD-ISPVE81 | *Editor's note: Since version 8.1.19 the product is called "IBM Storage Protect" but is identical to IBM Spectrum Protect. For the course offered here, a version is used that officially still runs under the name IBM Spectrum Protect. | 2 |
IBM Spectrum Protect and DB2 Workshop | TDIBM_TD-ISPDB2W | *Editor's note: Since version 8.1.19 the product is called "IBM Storage Protect" but is identical to IBM Spectrum Protect. For the course offered here, a version is used that officially still runs under the name IBM Spectrum Protect. | 3 |
IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.6 - Implementation and Administration (TSP12G) | IBMe_TSP12G | In this three-day course, you learn how to install, configure and administer IBM Spectrum Protect Plus v10.1.6. You begin with a review of the software capabilities, requirements, and architecture. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM SPSS Modeler Foundations (V18.2) (0A069G) | IBMe_0A069G | This course provides the foundations of using IBM SPSS Modeler and introduces the participant to data science. The principles and practice of data science are illustrated using the CRISP-DM methodology. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM SPSS Statistics Essentials (V25) (0G53AG) | IBMe_0G53AG | This course guides students through the fundamentals of using IBM SPSS Statistics for typical data analysis process. Students will learn the basics of reading data, data definition, data modification, and data analysis and presentation of analytical results. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM SPSS Statistics Essentials (V26) (0G53BG) | IBMe_0G53BG | This course guides students through the fundamentals of using IBM SPSS Statistics for typical data analysis. Students will learn the basics of reading data, data definition, data modification, data analysis, and presentation of analytical results. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Sterling B2B Integrator Administration and Tuning v5.2.6.1 (ODC6010G) | IBMe_ODC6010G | This 4-day Sterling B2B Integrator Administration and Tuning course guides you through managing user accounts, designing dashboard themes for the user accounts, and tuning business processes and the Sterling B2B Integration Suite server to meet your system performance requirements. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Sterling Order Management (V10.0) Configuring Participant Modeling, Process Modeling, and User Security (6F101G) | IBMe_6F101G | This course begins with an overview of Sterling Order Management and the business models it supports. The course then describes how to define participants and create organizations and users. Through a combination of procedural information and exercises, students will learn about topics such as how to assign attributes to the different roles defined in Sterling Order Management and configure user access policies. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Sterling Secure Proxy Technical Fundamentals v3.4.2 (6F99G) | IBMe_6F99G | This 4-day course trains students on deployment, usage, and maintenance of the Sterling Secure Proxy application. It also guides on troubleshooting any issues in Sterling Secure Proxy. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Stewardship Center for Information Server v11.5 (KM618G) | IBMe_KM618G | IBM Stewardship Center for Information Server v11.5 provides event notification with workflow and remediation. Business users can be notified and respond to Information Server events, when they occur. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Storage Protect 8.1.13 Advanced Administration, Tuning, and Troubleshooting | TDIBM_TS629G | IBM Storage Protect is an enterprise data protection solution designed to help you streamline your data protection processing, reduce the cost of storage, and provide the flexibility and security to meet any service level agreement. | 5 |
IBM Storage Protect Plus 10.1.8 Implementation and Administration | TDIBM_TSP13G | In this four-day course, you learn about installation, configuration and administration of IBM Storage Protect Plus v10.1.8. This begins with a review of the software features and functions, and the basic requirements, including architecture and data movement, and upgrade of the various components. | 4 |
IBM Storage Protect version 8.1.12 Implementation and Administration | TDIBM_TS619G | IBM Storage Protect 8.1.12 is a data backup and recovery solution designed to help you manage your data retention, reduce the cost of storage, and provide appropriate recovery point objectives to meet any service level agreement. | 5 |
IBM Storage Scale - Remote Data Access | TDIBM_H008G | Enterprises and organizations are creating, analyzing and keeping more data than ever before. An organization’s underlying storage must support new-era big data and artificial intelligence workloads along with traditional applications while ensuring security, reliability and high performance. | 3 |
IBM Storage Scale Advanced Administration for Linux | TDIBM_H006G | The course includes information on the Storage Scale installer toolkit, installer GUI, cluster upgrade scenarios, cluster health monitoring, cluster performance data collection and monitoring, management GUI, file system encryption, cluster security, and call home features. | 3 |
IBM Storage Scale Basic Administration for Linux and AIX | TDIBM_H005G | This course is intended for IT professionals tasked with administering an IBM Storage Scale storage cluster in Linux and AIX environments. It includes information on installing, configuring, and monitoring an IBM Storage Scale cluster. | 3 |
IBM Storwize V7000 Implementation Workshop | TDIBM_SSE1G | This course is designed to leverage SAN storage connectivity by integrating a layer of intelligence of virtualization, the IBM Storwize V7000 to facilitate storage application data access independence from storage management functions and requirements. | 4 |
IBM System z Hardware Management Console (HMC) Operations (ES24G) | IBMe_ES24G | This course teaches you navigation, operation, and recovery techniques for the Hardware Management Console (HMC) in the System z environment. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM System z Parallel Sysplex Operations (ES73G) | IBMe_ES73G | This course is designed so that students can learn how z/OS systems operate in a Parallel Sysplex environment through discussion topics and hands-on lab exercises. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.3 for Implementers (TV355G) | IBMe_TV355G | With IBM Tivoli Monitoring, you can manage your systems graphically, dynamically, and flexibly. A browser-enabled interface helps transform systems management data into information you need to keep systems available. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Tivoli Netcool Impact 7.1 Administration and Implementation | TDIBM_TN045G | This course teaches students how to deploy and administer IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact through practice exercises. This course is designed specifically for anyone who might be technically responsible for the design and implementation of Netcool/Impact, a highly scalable analytics engine that adds event and service enrichment and business impact analysis for event data. | 4 |
IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus 8.1 Installation and Configuration (TN025G) | IBMe_TN025G | This course teaches you to perform a complete installation of IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 8.1. Through lectures and extensive hands-on exercises, you learn all the steps necessary to perform an installation, including hardware sizing, confirming software prerequisites, installation, creation of ObjectServers, installation of probes, installation of gateways, configuring high availability, and deploying historical event reporting. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition 4.2 Operations and Administration (TN325G) | IBMe_TN325G | This course covers the installation, configuration, use, customization, integration of Tivoli Network Manager 4.2 with Network Operations Insight, and network monitoring using the Network Manager pollers. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform v3.7 (8D612G) | IBMe_8D612G | The course provides an introduction to the TRIRIGA Application platform and how to modify the existing TRIRIGA applications and processes or create new ones. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM TRIRIGA Operations & Maintenance (8D512G) | IBMe_8D512G | This course explores the Operations Maintenance life cycle and how to enable using IBM TRIRIGA. Operations and maintenance are the decisions and actions regarding the control and upkeep of property and equipment/assets. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM TRIRIGA Portfolio 4.x/11 (8D501G) | IBMe_8D501G | The purpose of this course is to provide a basic understanding of TRIRIGA to better manage space, people, organizations, and assets necessary for optimal performance of the business operations. ... | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate: Leased and Owned Property Contract Management (8D542G) | IBMe_8D542G | Learn how to manage your real estate lease obligations with IBM TRIRIGA. With TRIRIGA you can store all contract documentation, conditions, clauses, options, and financial transactions in one comprehensive repository. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM TRIRIGA: Capital Projects (8D522G) | IBMe_8D522G | The TRIRIGA Capital Projects course will train students on how to create and deploy new capital projects and manage the budgets attached to them. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM TRIRIGA: Facilities and Space Management (8D562G) | IBMe_8D562G | Students taking this class will understand the fundamentals of space management and why it is a strategic imperative to large enterprises. They will understand both the concepts and configuration in TRIRIGA for how space classifications are created in building portfolios across floors and various types of space. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM TRIRIGA: Lease Accounting (8D552G) | IBMe_8D552G | Students taking this class will understand the fundamentals of lease accounting wtihin IBM TRIRIGA. They will be able to calculate and manage FASB and IASB information. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Workload Scheduler 9.4 Administration | TDIBM_TX318G | This course teaches the administrative functions necessary to plan, install, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot an IBM Workload Scheduler 9.4 network. | 2 |
IBM Workload Scheduler 9.4 Operations and Scheduling (TX319G) | IBMe_TX319G | This course introduces IBM Workload Scheduler features, environment, and terminology. You learn about distributed environments and how to use both the Dynamic Workload Console and command-line interfaces with Workload Scheduler. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM Z: Technical Overview of HW and SW Mainframe Evolution (ES82G) | IBMe_ES82G | This course is designed to provide an understanding of today's complex system mainframe environment on the zEnterprise System and System z servers. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM z/OS 2.4 Update (ESC9G) | IBMe_ESC9G | This course is designed to teach students the new features and enhanced functions provided in z/OS Version 2 Release 4. The software updates and enhancements for z/OS V2R4 are presented in groups based on closely associated z/OS components. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IBM z/OS Bootcamp | TDIBM_ESZ0G | This course is designed to give new hire IT professionals an introduction into the IBM Z environment. The IBM mainframe servers, operating systems and software products will be discussed. | 10 |
IBM z/OS Container Extensions zCX (ESX0G) | IBMe_ESX0G | • z/OS Container Extensions (zCX), a new entitled capability of z/OS 2.4, ushers in a new era ofhybrid computing supporting running Linux applications directly on z/OS. ... | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Implementing IMS Security (CMW43G) | IBMe_CMW43G | Learn implementation for Information Management System (IMS) using Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) as the external security manager, and the installation provided security exit routines. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Implementing PowerVM Live Partition Mobility | TDIBM_AN33G | This course describes the concepts and configuration details when implementing PowerVM Live Partition Mobility on POWER6 and POWER7 processor-based servers. | 3 |
Implementing VM Recovery Manager - HA (AN6AG) | IBMe_AN6AG | This 2 day course provides students with the skills needed to implement and manager the IBM VM Recovery Manager – HA (VMR-HA) product. Topics include introduction to High Availability (HA) and Disaster Recovery (DR), understanding the requirements and planning for implementing VMR-HA, installing and configuring VMR-HA, and testing the capabilities of VMR-HA at the VM and application level. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Data Sharing (CM50G) | IBMe_CM50G | Learn about Information Management System (IMS) data sharing capabilities. Examine how multiple IMS systems on different processors can access and update the same databases with complete integrity. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Data Sharing (CMW50G) | IBMe_CMW50G | This is an online course. please do not make travel arrangements for this course. After you receive confirmation that you are enrolled, you will be sent further instructions to enroll in this clas. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Database Application Programming (CM17G) | IBMe_CM17G | Learn how to write application programs that use Data Language One (DL/I) to process Information Management System (IMS) databases. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Database Performance and Tuning (CM30G) | IBMe_CM30G | Learn how to tune Information Management System (IMS) databases for use in IMS/Batch, IMS/Data Communications (DC), CICS-Local-Data Language One (DL/I), and Data Base Control (DBCTL) environments. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Database Performance and Tuning (CMW30G) | IBMe_CMW30G | Learn how to tune Information Management System (IMS) databases. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Database Recovery Control (DBRC) | TDIBM_CM20G | Learn all aspects, including installation, implementation, and management of the Database Recovery Control (DBRC) feature of Information Management System (IMS). | 5 |
IMS Database Recovery Control (DBRC) (CMW20G) | IBMe_CMW20G | Learn all aspects, including installation, implementation, and management of the Database Recovery Control (DBRC) system of Information Management System (IMS). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS DBCTL Systems Programming (CM121G) | IBMe_CM121G | Database Control (DBCTL) is an Information Management System (IMS) facility that provides CICS access to an IMS database subsystem. DBCTL provides access for CICS transactions to IMS managed databases. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS DBCTL Systems Programming (CMW12G) | IBMe_CMW12G | Database Control (DBCTL) is an Information Management System (IMS) facility that provides CICS access to an IMS database subsystem. DBCTL provides access for CICS transactions to IMS managed databases. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Diagnostic Approaches (CMW66G) | IBMe_CMW66G | This class will teach you to understand the IMS software diagnostic process and to know what documentation is required to solve IMS software problems. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Fast Path (CM64G) | IBMe_CM64G | This course is designed to describe the features and functions of Fast Path both from a capability and an implementation perspective. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Fast Path (CMW64G) | IBMe_CMW64G | Learn the features and functions of Information Management System (IMS) Fast Path from both a capability perspective and an implementation perspective. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Fundamentals | TDIBM_CM01G | Learn about the basic Information Management System (IMS) facilities: the IMS Database System and the IMS Transaction Manager (IMS/TM). Explore how these facilities work together and how application programs interact with them in today's complex enterprise systems. | 3 |
IMS Fundamentals (CMW01G) | IBMe_CMW01G | Learn about the basic Information Management System (IMS): IMS facilities, the IMS database system, and the IMS Transaction Manager (IMS/TM). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS High Availability Large Database (HALDB) | TDIBM_CM46G | Learn about the Information Management System (IMS) High Availability Large Database (HALDB). Examine how databases may be migrated to HALDB and the advantages of using HALDB. | 1 |
IMS Installation Workshop | TDIBM_CM059G | Learn how to successfully install and successfully maintain an Information Management System (IMS) system, with insights on common problems, how to avoid them and how to correct them should they occur. | 3 |
IMS Logical Relationships (CM241G) | IBMe_CM241G | Learn how to successfully implement and tune Information Management System (IMS) databases with IMS logical relationships. Examine in detail the various pointer options. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Physical Organization of Databases (CMW22G) | IBMe_CMW22G | Learn how to design, implement, reorganize, and recover Information Management System (IMS) databases. Practice these skills in intensive machine labs. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Physical Organization of Databases Workshop | TDIBM_CM22G | Learn how to design, implement, reorganize, and recover Information Management System (IMS) databases. Practice these skills in intensive machine labs. | 4 |
IMS Security (CM43G) | IBMe_CM43G | Learn implementation for Information Management System (IMS) using Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) as the external security manager, and the installation provided security exit routines. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Shared Queues (CM611G) | IBMe_CM611G | This course is designed to teach students about a key availability and capacity enhancement to Information Management System (IMS) - the Shared Queues facility, which offers the ability to share full function message queues within a parallel sysplex environment. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Shared Queues (CMW61G) | IBMe_CMW61G | This is an online courses. Please do not make travel arrangements for this course. After you receive confirmation that you are enrolled, you will be sent further instructions to access audio and video. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS System Programming - Database and Transaction Management (CM111G) | IBMe_CM111G | This course of 3 sessions, 8 hours each day, is designed to present a description of the activities required to install, tailor, maintain, and support an IMS DB/TM system. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS System Programming - Database and Transaction Management (CMW11G) | IBMe_CMW11G | This is an online course. Please do not make travel arrangements for this course. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS TM Performance and Tuning (CMW21G) | IBMe_CMW21G | Learn a methodology to improve the performance of a large-scale z/OS IMS/TM data communication system. This course explains the impact of user-specified options on IMS performance, how to determine performance bottlenecks by interpreting information from certain performance reports, and how to use the information gained to implement a plan to improve the performance of an IMS system. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
IMS Transaction Manager Application Programming (CM18G) | IBMe_CM18G | Learn how to write application programs that use Data Language One (DL/I) to process terminal input and output messages in an Information Management System / Data Communications (IMS/DC) system. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
InfoSphere MDM Algorithms V11 (ZZ780G) | IBMe_ZZ780G | Do you want to find match member records, link member records, and perfect a search algorithm for your InfoSphere MDM Virtual and Physical implementation? Then this course is designed for you. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
InfoSphere MDM Application Toolkit V11.3 (ZZ870G) | IBMe_ZZ870G | The InfoSphere MDM Application Toolkit course introduces students to the Business Process Manager (BPM) and the Process Designer to create processes that will use MDM data and services. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
InfoSphere MDM Architecture V11 (ZZ820G) | IBMe_ZZ820G | This course is designed for anyone who wants to get an understanding of the InfoSphere MDM Architecture (including the Virtual and Physical Hubs). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
InfoSphere MDM Physical Domains V11.4 (ZZ930G) | IBMe_ZZ930G | This course is designed for anyone who wants to get an understanding of the Data Domains for the InfoSphere Master Data Management Physical Module. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
InfoSphere MDM Physical Module Algorithms V11 (ZZ981G) | IBMe_ZZ981G | Do you want to find duplicates and perfect a search algorithm for your InfoSphere MDM | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
InfoSphere MDM Virtual Foundation V11.4 (ZZ720G) | IBMe_ZZ720G | This course is designed as the starting point for any technical specialist working with the InfoSphere MDM Virtual module. This course walks you through the major components of the InfoSphere MDM Virtual module, the data model, the matching engine and how customization can be implementated. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Installation of IBM Cloud Pak for Data (v4.5) (6XL638G) | IBMe_6XL638G | This course provides guidelines to prepare your environment for IBM Cloud Pak for Data and to successfully deploy the software. From the attached demonstrations, you will learn step by step how to perform each task. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Installation of IBM Cloud Pak for Data (V4.x) (6XL538G) | IBMe_6XL538G | This course provides guidelines to prepare your environment for IBM Cloud Pak for Data and to successfully deploy the software. From the attached demonstrations you will learn step by step how to perform each task. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Introducing z/OS UNIX System Services | TDIBM_OP05G | This course describes how open standards are implemented in a z/OS system by z/OS UNIX. UNIX System Services are introduced, and the role of z/OS as a server in the open systems environment is discussed. | 2,5 |
Introduction to DB2 for zOS for Systems and Operations Personnel | TDIBM_CV021G | DB2 11 for z/OS beginning DBAs can develop fundamental skills or recognition through lectures and hands-on exercises of: | 3 |
Introduction to IBM i for New Users (OE98G) | IBMe_OE98G | In this classroom course, you will learn basic concepts and skills you need to be productive users on Power Systems with IBM i. With plenty of hands-on lab exercises, we show everything from signing onto the available user interfaces; green screen environment and IBM Navigator for i. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler and Data Science (v18.1.1) (0A008G) | IBMe_0A008G | This course provides the fundamentals of using IBM SPSS Modeler and introduces the participant to data science. The principles and practice of data science are illustrated using the CRISP-DM methodology. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Introduction to IBM SPSS Modeler Text Analytics (v18.1.1) (0A108G) | IBMe_0A108G | This course (formerly: Introduction to IBM SPSS Text Analytics for IBM SPSS Modeler (v18)) teaches you how to analyze text data using IBM SPSS Modeler Text Analytics. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Introduction to Machine Learning Models Using IBM SPSS Modeler (V18.2) (0A079G) | IBMe_0A079G | This course provides an introduction to supervised models, unsupervised models, and association models. This is an application-oriented course and examples include predicting whether customers cancel their subscription, predicting property values, segment customers based on usage, and market basket analysis. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Introduction to Storage | TDIBM_SS01G | This course covers basic data storage concepts and IBM solutions in this space. You will learn RAID, SAN connectivity, high availability, business continuity planning for disaster recovery, storage virtualization, cloud storage and more. | 3 |
Introduction to Time Series Analysis Using IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1) (0A028G) | IBMe_0A028G | This course gets you up and running with a set of procedures for analyzing time series data. Learn how to forecast using a variety of models, including regression, exponential smoothing, and ARIMA, which take into account different combinations of trend and seasonality. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Inventory Management and Order Management Business Rules (6F110G) | IBMe_6F110G | This 3-day instructor-led course provides students with an understanding of how to configure order management rules and administer the order fulfillment process using IBM® Sterling Order Management. ... | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Korn and Bash Shell Programming | TDIBM_AN202G | This course will teach you how to use shell scripts and utilities for practical system administration of AIX (or other UNIX) operating systems. | 5 |
Linux Basics (LX010G) | IBMe_LX010G | This course is designed to teach the basics of the Linux environment. Class activities include accessing a system, navigating the directory hierarchy, using the vi editor, using common commands, tools, and scripting concepts. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Managing Decisions in IBM Operational Decision Manager V8.9 (WB401G) | IBMe_WB401G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Managing Decisions in IBM Operational Decision Manager V8.9 (ZB401G). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Mastering IBM AIX: Advanced Administration and Problem Determination | TDIBM_AN15G | This course provides advanced AIX system administrator skills with a focus on availability and problem determination. It provides detailed knowledge of the ODM database where AIX maintains so much configuration information. | 5 |
Mastering IBM AIX: Implementation and Administration | TDIBM_AN12G | Learn to install, customize, and administer the AIX operating system in a multiuser IBM Power server partitioned environment. The course is based on AIX 7.3 running on a IBM Power server managed by Hardware Management Console and provides practical discussions that are appropriate to earlier AIX releases. | 5 |
Maximo Application Suite - Manage: Asset Management (MAX4319G) | IBMe_MAX4319G | This 1-day instructor led course provides students with an understanding of asset management within the Maximo Application Suite Manage solution. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Maximo Application Suite - Manage: Work Management (MAX4318G) | IBMe_MAX4318G | This 1-day instructor led course provides students with an understanding of how work is managed in IBM Maximo Application Suite – Manage, including the overall Work Order process and lifecycle, creation of Job Plans as well as Work Orders. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Parallel Sysplex Implementation Workshop | TDIBM_ES42G | This course is developed for systems programmers working on an implementation of a Parallel Sysplex. It covers the details of z/OS and z/OS-related products and subsystems exploiting the Parallel Sysplex components. | 4,5 |
Pervasive Encryption on z/OS (ESS10G) | IBMe_ESS10G | Organizations are compelled to find effective and cost-efficient data security solutions. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Power Systems for AIX I: LPAR Configuration and Planning | TDIBM_AN11G | Learn how to perform system administration in a Power Systems environment. Learn about the features of PowerVM Editions and how to configure and manage LPARs running AIX V7 or Linux using the Hardware Management Console (HMC). | 3 |
Power Systems for AIX IV: Performance Management | TDIBM_AN51G | Develop the skills to measure, analyze, and tune common performance issues on IBM Power Systems running AIX. | 5 |
Power Systems Running Linux: Server Administration (LX071G) | IBMe_LX071G | This course introduces basic administrative tasks associated with Linux Servers hosted on Power Systems servers. This includes installation, command line operations, system administration, device management, IBM tools, and system recovery. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
PowerHA SystemMirror 7 Advanced Configurations (AN62G) | IBMe_AN62G | This course is designed to teach experienced PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX professionals the latest features in PowerHA SystemMirror. It covers how to: ... | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
PowerHA SystemMirror 7 Planning, Implementation, Customization and Basic Administration | TDIBM_AN61G | This course is designed to prepare students to install and configure a highly available cluster using PowerHA SystemMirror. | 5 |
PowerVM on IBM i - I: Implementing Virtualization and LPAR (AS5EG) | IBMe_AS5EG | Learn the concepts of Logical Partitioning (LPAR) for Power Systems with IBM i. In this course you begin with an overview of LPAR on Power Systems, followed with more detailed information on configuration planning and implementation using hands-on exercises to create and implement logical partitions. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Predictive Modeling for Categorical Targets Using IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1) (0A0U8G) | IBMe_0A0U8G | This course focuses on using analytical models to predict a categorical field, such as churn, fraud, response to a mailing, pass/fail exams, and machine break-down. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Predictive Modeling for Continuous Targets Using IBM SPSS Modeler (v18.1.1) (0A0V8G) | IBMe_0A0V8G | This course provides an overview of how to use IBM SPSS Modeler to predict a target field that describes numeric values. Students will be exposed to rule induction models such as CHAID and C&R Tree. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Preparing for Red Hat OpenShift: Implementing Containers on IBM Power Systems (LX063G) | IBMe_LX063G | This 2 day course is designed to provide skills enablement for system administrators and product support specialists in the area of operating system based virtualization provided by Linux containers. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Process Implementing with IBM Business Process Manager V8.6 - I (WB827G) | IBMe_WB827G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Process Implementing with IBM Business Process Manager V8.6 - I (ZB827G). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
RPG IV Programming Advanced Workshop for IBM i (AS10G) | IBMe_AS10G | This course teaches additional skills and techniques to programmers who can already write comprehensive RPG IV programs. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
RPG IV Programming Fundamentals Workshop for IBM i (AS06G) | IBMe_AS06G | Course RPG IV Programming Fundamentals Workshop for IBM i (AS06G) teaches the basics of the IBM i RPG IV programming language. It is the first of two courses that should be attended in sequence. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
SAN Volume Controller (SVC) Planning and Implementation Workshop (SNV1G) | IBMe_SNV1G | Plan and implement IBM SAN Volume Controller in your data center! | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
SMP/E for z/OS Workshop | TDIBM_ES26G | This course is designed to provide the SMP/E skills needed in the installation and maintenance of optional features and maintenance in the z/OS operating environment. | 4,5 |
Spectrum Scale Advanced plus Remote Data Access BUNDLE | TDIBM_TD-H006G-H008G | In this 5 day class we will combine the content of the IBM Spectrum Scale classes H006G (Spectrum Scale V4.2 Advanced Administration for Linux) and H008G (Spectrum Scale Remote Data Access (V5)) plus update some of the H006G older content to be based on V5.x. | 5 |
Spectrum Scale Training: Basis-CES-AFM BUNDLE | TDIBM_TD-H005G-H006G | Wochentraining (5 Tage) auf Basis der IBM Spectrum Scale Trainings H005G (IBM Spectrum Scale Basic Administration for Linux and AIX – 3 Tage) und H006G (IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Administration for Linux – 3 Tage) | 5 |
SPSS Statistik - Grundlagen | SPSSG | Lernen Sie in diesem Training den Programmaufbau von SPSS kennen. | 2 |
SPSS Statistik - Vertiefung | SPSSV | Vertiefen Sie in diesem Training Ihr Wissen zu SPSS rundum Analyse, Datenbearbeitung, Syntaxdateien und dem Grafikeditor. | 3 |
Statistical Analysis Using IBM SPSS Statistics (V25) (0G51AG) | IBMe_0G51AG | This course provides an application-oriented introduction to the statistical component of IBM SPSS Statistics. Students will review several statistical techniques and discuss situations in which they would use each technique, how to set up the analysis, as well as how to interpret the results. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Statistical Analysis Using IBM SPSS Statistics (V26) | TDIBM_0G51BG | This course provides an application-oriented introduction to the statistical component of IBM SPSS Statistics. Students will review several statistical techniques and discuss situations in which they would use each technique, how to set up the analysis, and how to interpret the results. | 2 |
Storage Area Networking Fundamentals (SN71G) | IBMe_SN71G | IBM offers a comprehensive portfolio of SAN switches, storage, software, services and solutions to reliably bring information to people in a cost effective way. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Supporting REST and JOSE in IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5 (WE752G) | IBMe_WE752G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Supporting REST and JOSE in IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5 (ZE752G). This option does not require any travel. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
System Operator for IBM i (AS24G) | IBMe_AS24G | This introductory course enables a new system operator to develop basic to intermediate level skills needed for day-to-day operations of the Power System with IBM i. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Technical Introduction to IBM MQ (WM103G) | IBMe_WM103G | In this course, you learn about IBM MQ V9 basic components and the path that messages follow when they are exchanged between applications. You also learn how IBM MQ administrative responsibilities can include the management of topic-based publish/subscribe messaging, managed file transfer, and deployments to the cloud. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Transforming Applications with IBM WebSphere Hybrid Edition (WA615G) | IBMe_WA615G | This course teaches students how to transform traditional (monolithic) WebSphere applications to run in a containerized environment–Red Hat OpenShift–by using WebSphere Hybrid Edition. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
TRIRIGA Reservation Management (8D632G) | IBMe_8D632G | The course is designed to teach students how to customize, operate, administer, and monitor IBM TRIRIGA Reservation Management process flow and Reservation roles. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
TRIRIGA System Administration (8D301G) | IBMe_8D301G | This course is intended for System Administrators and other users responsible for maintaining the IBM TRIRIGA application. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Turbonomic ARM Foundations (TN900G) | IBMe_TN900G | ACE ARM Training is intended to help you better understand the Turbonomic approach and features of Turbonomic 8 to manage your full application stack. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Turbonomic Cloud ARM Master (TN935G) | IBMe_TN935G | Turbonomic Cloud ARM training takes you in-depth into how the Turbonomic ARM platform interacts with the world’s most broadly accepted public cloud technologies, such as AWS, Azure, and GCP. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Using Open Source tools on IBM i (AS40G) | IBMe_AS40G | This course is designed to teach the installation and administration of open source packages on IBM i as well as teach how to use some of the open source packages that can be downloaded. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Virtual Module Algorithms for InfoSphere MDM V11 (ZZ880G) | IBMe_ZZ880G | Do you want to find match member records, link member records, and perfect a search algorithm for your InfoSphere MDM Virtual implementation? Then this course is designed for you. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Watson Explorer Analytical Components (v11) (O3110G) | IBMe_O3110G | In this course, you will learn the core features and functionality of Watson Explorer Analytical Components. This functionality is found in Watson Explorer Advanced Edition. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Watson Explorer Foundational Components (v11) (O3100G) | IBMe_O3100G | In this course, you will learn the core features and functionality of Watson Explorer Foundational Components. This core functionality is found in all editions of Watson Explorer (Enterprise and Advanced edition). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
Web Services Support in IBM DataPower V7.5 (WE754G) | IBMe_WE754G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Web Services Support in IBM DataPower V7.5 (WE754G). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Scripting and Automation (WA680G) | IBMe_WA680G | This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Scripting and Automation (ZA680G). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Administration (WA855G) | IBMe_WA855G | An updated version of this course is available. For more information, click WebSphere Application Server V9 Administration (WA590G). | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Performance Tuning (WA815G) | IBMe_WA815G | In diesem 3,5 tägigen Training erarbeiten Sie sich einen tiefen Einblick in die Möglichkeiten zur Leistungssteigerung einer Application Server Infrastruktur. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Problem Determination (WA591G) | IBMe_WA591G | This course teaches you how to manage WebSphere Application Server problems more skillfully within your organization by using problem determination tools and techniques. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
WebSphere Application Server V9 Administration | TDIBM_WA590G | This course teaches you the skills that are needed to administer IBM WebSphere Application Server V9. | 2,5 |
WebSphere Application Server V9 Administration BUNDLE | TDIBM_TD-WA590-WA599 | In diesem 4-tägigen Kurs erlernen Sie die Fähigkeiten, die erforderlich sind, um den WebSphere Application Server V9, sowohl in der Standalone Version als auch in einem federated Environment (Network Deployment) zu installieren und zu verwalten. | 4 |
WebSphere Application Server V9 Administration in a Federated Environment | TDIBM_WA599G | This course teaches you the skills that are needed to administer IBM WebSphere Application Server V9 in a federated environment. | 1,5 |
z/OS Facilities | TDIBM_ES15G | This classroom course introduces the base elements, optional features, and servers that are provided in z/OS. It focuses on the system service facilities that are provided by the z/OS Base Control Program (BCP). | 4,5 |
z/OS JCL and Utilities | TDIBM_ES07G | This course is designed to teach you how to use z/OS job control language (JCL) and selected z/OS utility programs in an online batch environment. | 4,5 |
z/OS JES2 Operator Training (ES28G) | IBMe_ES28G | This course is designed to give the z/OS Operator personnel as well as entry systems programmers an overview about JES2. The students should be able to use JES2 commands at the z/OS Console and use SDSF. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
z/OS Management Facility Implementation and Use (ESB3G) | IBMe_ESB3G | This course is designed to provide you with the skills required to install and customize IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) 2.3, and use the functions and features provided by z/OSMF. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
z/OS REXX Programming Workshop | TDIBM_ES52G | This course is designed to teach you the basic skills required to write programs using the REXX language in z/OS. The course covers the TSO extensions to REXX and interaction with other environments such as the MVS console, running REXX in batch jobs, and compiling REXX. | 4,5 |
z/OS System Operators | TDIBM_ES27G | To provide an overview of the z Operating System (OS), look at the systems from both a hardware and software prospective, and develop a basic understanding of System z partitioning capabilities, Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM), z/OS, Job Entry Subsystem 2 (JES2), Job Entry Subsystem 3 (JES3), Time Sharing Option (TSO), TSO Extended (TSO/E), System Display and Search Facility (SDSF), z/OS Communications Server, and System z channel subsystem usage for various channels, such as | 3 |
z/OS System Programmer Fundamentals | TDIBM_ES40G | This course is designed to describe the basic components that apply to all z/OS systems. It includes high level concepts that apply to the z/OS hardware platform and the z/OS software. | 4 |
z/OS System Services Structure (ES20G) | IBMe_ES20G | This course presents the structure and control blocks of the z/OS BCP and system services. It prepares the new z/OS system programmer to identify potential bottlenecks and performance problems, perform initial error symptom gathering, and identify opportunities and requirements for tailoring a z/OS system. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
z/OS UNIX System Services Implementation | TDIBM_OP25G | This course is designed to provide you with the skills required to install and customize z/OS UNIX (full name z/OS UNIX System Services), and to manage and monitor the z/OS UNIX environment. | 4,5 |
z/OS VSAM and Access Method Services (SS83G) | IBMe_SS83G | This course is designed to teach how to manage VSAM and non-VSAM data sets by coding and using the functions and features of the Access Method Services program, IDCAMS. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |
z/VM and Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE Bootcamp (ZL00G) | IBMe_ZL00G | This course introduces the system programmer to the tasks required to support a z/VM operating system. It gives an overview of the processes that are required to install z/VM, and to do the required tailoring steps to support guest operating system virtual machines and CMS users. | Auf Anfrage | Anfrage stellen |